The world lost a wonderful woman, Kandace, on Thursday night but not without putting up a courageous fight with cancer. My Mom says Kandace did not lose the battle she won it, just not how we here on earth would have liked. Kandace was a very good friend to my Mom during her own fight with cancer. My Mom says Kandace would always offer to watch her class while my Mom went to the cancer support group. During this time Kandace was unknowingly fighting her own battle with cancer. I don’t know Kandace personally but I know she was loved by many and was always kind to my Mom and for that I am grateful. My heart aches for her family, may God bless them and comfort them through this difficult time.
October is breast cancer awareness month! I know, October is coming to an end but I think breast cancer awareness month should be every month!! :) My Mom and I have purchased a lot of breast cancer apparel, jewelry, etc this month. Not only are we buying dang cute products but a percentage of all proceeds have been going to Susan G. Komen for the cure. I love wearing breast cancer clothing or jewelry because it always starts a conversation with someone else who has been affected by breast cancer and you would not believe how many people that really is!! Right now 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. EVERYONE is somehow affected by this disease. What have you done to support breast cancer awareness month??? Even talking to other women about how important yearly mammograms are can help!! I make sure to always tell the story that my Mom’s cancer wasn’t detected by the mammogram but it was the ultrasound that detected it! Mammograms are the best tool that we have right now to detect breast cancer but if you are in doubt don’t hesitate to request an ultrasound!!!!
Well…. My Mom went in for her second CA 27-29 blood test a couple of weeks ago. The first time she had the blood test done her number was 12. Her number has now more than doubled to 27! Dr. Ben Jacob called to let my Mom know that her number has doubled but not to worry about this number yet. It can fluctuate for many different reasons. He told her to come back in 4-6 weeks so they can repeat the test. If it has gone any higher we will worry about it then. How can I not worry!!!!! My Mom was not going to tell me this news because she knows I will worry but I am a snoop so I found out on my own. My Mom is sure that it is nothing but it is still scary to know that your cancer marker number has more than doubled within 3 months. My Mom and I went to see her regular Dr. last week and we all decided a bone scan was a good idea. The most common place breast cancer travels to is the bones. She doesn't have any pain, we just want to be safe and clear our heads. She is scheduled for her bone scan this Tuesday. She will go in at 2:30 so they can shoot dye through her body and will then go back at 6:00 for the test. I am praying the scan comes back clear and her cancer marker number is just a fluke and it goes back down! Let’s all pray that this is the case!
My Mom has been doing really well. She still doesn't feel the same as before treatment so she pushes herself too hard sometimes. She is stubborn. She still has nueropathy in her hands and feet, we were hoping it would have gone away by now. Dr. Ali Ben Jacob seems to think that the feeling in her hands and feet may still come back but my Mom has heard from others if it hasn't come back by now it won't come back. BUMMER!!! She keeps saying she can live with nueropathy as long as she stays cancer free.
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