Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Yesterday my family got a nice surprise! My Grandpa Sales and his two sisters, Aunt Brenda, and Aunt LaNelda came to visit us from Oklahoma! My Mom was very excited! My Grandpa Sales had called my Mom a few nights ago and said he was going to be here on Monday, this was already a surprise for us and we were expecting Grandma Carolyn to come with him. So when they all three showed up it was definitely a surprise, a good one too! Grandma Carolyn, we do miss you and wish you could have come with them! My Mom has been so happy since they have been here. She loves spending time with her Dad and Aunts. I'm glad that they all could come and visit. My Grandpa Sales and Aunt LaNelda have visited us in Utah before but Aunt Brenda has never been to Utah. They are all four out exploring  Logan Canyon right now.

My Dad's knee surgery went well. He came home with crutches but only used them for the first two days. He limps now but gets around fine. He has three little holes in his knee, it looks really good. He goes for his post op tomorrow. I'm guessing they will take out the stitches then.

The Pink Heals was fun. They had a pink fire truck that my Mom and I signed. The pink firemen are from Arizona and drive the pink fire trucks around the United States to bring awareness to women's cancer. Each fire truck they have is named after women in their lives. The pink fire truck that we got pictures with was named Karen. Karen was the first pink fire truck and Karen was the first person to donate money to them so they could buy their first fire truck. She had breast cancer and died shortly after her donation was made. If the pink heals ever go through any of your towns you should definitely go!

My Mom has been doing well. Her skin has gotten sunburned and blistered a little where they radiate her. She met with the Doctor yesterday and she said that her skin can probably only tolerate about 12 more treatments. This means she will be finished with radiation around the first of July! That is really soon! After radiation is all over she will then do the blood work to make sure that the Cancer is all gone! I have started to worry about this more because it's getting closer. I am sure I will be a nervous wreck when they do the blood work because it doesn't come back for two days! Let's all pray that all of the cancer is gone AND it will never ever come back! My Mom has handled the past seven months so well, I am so proud of her! She became part of a club that she didn't ask to be a part of. She really has such a positive attitude, she knows that she can't change her situation so she might as well make the best of it and she has done just that! I love her more than the whole wide world and hope to one day be half the woman that she is!

Pink Fire Truck

My Mom and I in front of the Fire truck

My Mom signing the pink truck

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